Electronic Permit Allowances

AR: Electronic permits allowed on seven-inch screen or larger

AK: Must be able to show permit regardless of service area, otherwise will be considered to

have no permit

AL: Electronic permits allowed on both laptop and phones

CA: Electronic transportation permits (RCATZ/STARS2 only) and any required accompaniments

are allowed on any electronic device, no minimum screen size

CO: Electronic permit allowed, no minimum screen size

CT: Electronic verification of permit is acceptable, no minimum screen size. The driver must be

able to produce the permit on an electronic devise to show enforcement if pulled over.

DE: Must have paper permit, state does not allow electronic hand held devices at all per state


FL: Electronic permits are allowed with no minimum screen size, although blanket permits must

be a paper copy.

GA: Paper permit is required. Discretion of the officer requesting to view the permit if they will

accept an electronic copy.

IA: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

ID: Oversize & overweight permits can be displayed electronically. No minimum screen size.

Temporary registrations/fuel permits must be hard copy.

IL: Paper required if Police escort is required. All others acceptable just have to be downloaded

so it is readable such as a PDF. No certain screen size or device required

IN: Paper required if Police escort is required. No certain screen size or device required

KS: State law says paper permits only, however some highway patrol will accept electronic

permits with permit number

KY: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

LA: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size, permits must be legible

MA: Must have paper permit

MD: Electronic permits acceptable on smart phone or tablet. No minimum screen size

ME: Electronic permits are acceptable as long as they can be read by the officer, no minimum

screen size

MI: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size, they must be signed on the


MN: Electronic permits are acceptable on laptops, tablets or smartphone device, no minimum

screen size, must provide complete and legible copies of the permit and general provisions

MS: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

MO: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

MT: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

NC: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

ND: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

NE: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

NH: Electronic permits are acceptable if permit can be signed electronically, but the check list

that comes with the permit has to be in paper form.

NJ: Must have paper permit

NM: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

NV: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

NY: Must have paper permit

OH: Special hauling permits issued through the OHPASS system may be shown when needed via

an electronic device, such as a mobile phone. All other rules and regulations apply.

OK: Must have paper permit

OR: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size, but it is highly suggested the

driver screenshots or downloads the permit just in case they are stopped in a bad service area

and can't get it to load.

PA: Must have paper permit

RI: Still requires a paper copy but they are considering allowing electronic copies in the future,

4-5 months out minimum

SC: Must have paper permit

SD: Electronic permits allowed, must be legible, no specific guidelines around screen size

TN: Electronic permits are acceptable

TX: Up to law enforcement’s discretion, paper copy is still recommended

UT: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

VA: Both electronic and paper permits are required

VT: Electronic permits are acceptable, no minimum screen size

WA: Electronic permits are acceptable for single trips only, everything else has to be paper.

Electronic permit must be signed. The state takes no responsibility for loss or damage to

electronic devices. Permits containing routing information require the electronic device to have

a screen display of no less than three and a half inches by five inches. Other permit types may

have smaller screen displays. Must be legible or have zoom capability. Must allow physical

control of the device by law enforcement. The permittee must comply with the requirements

for electronic display of a permit or must have a paper copy of the permit carried on the power

unit at all times while transporting the permitted load. Trip and Fuel permits are the only

permit types that must be printed out and signed in ink and may not be stored electronically.

WI: Must have paper permit, farmers can show their no cost permits electronically

WV: Electronic permits acceptable on smart phone or tablet, no minimum screen size

WY: Electronic Permits are allowed, no minimum screen size

*Updated September 2022